Talking about tourism, Karbak said that tourism in Arunachal Pradesh is at a growing stage and there is an intention to develop it as a premium tourism destination. He said, “The state government is investing a lot of money to make Arunachal the adventurous and exotic tourism hub of India. Besides adventure sports like trekking, angling and boating, our state also offers great opportunities for white water rafting.”Apart from him, Natalia Zenkova from Russia was the also present who judged the championship. She is also the judge of the International Rafting. Sharing her experience and talking about the event, she was spellbound by the scenic and natural beauty of Kamba and the state. She said, “Russia is a beautiful country, but the natural beauty of Arunachal is breathtaking. The only complaint I have is about the roads, and if the same is fixed, Arunachal can go a long way in the route of adventure tourism.”
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